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We have found a programmer!

November 30, 2023

i3 News Cover

I have begun to work with another coder. We are working hard on creating a playable demo. Currently, we have grass in a field, with rocks and a tree, a playable character with collision, and... Yeah. Hopefully, we'll have something truly playable soon enough.

Check out the game on Steam, and Instagram for updates. Links are in the contact page. Or, header bar of any page.

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Mythstal: Shadow of the Sun Needs a Programmer

October 11, 2023

i3 News Cover

Now that the online presence of i3 has been established and Mythstal is up on Steam, it's time that we began looking for a programmer.

There are enough graphics and content to create a playable demo of the game. All we have currently is a beautiful graphical and audio demo of the goal of the gameplay.

You can reach us from any of the links on the contacts page.

Thank you for taking a moment to read this request.


We Have Launched!

October 8, 2023

i3 News Cover

Welcome to the official site of Intense Immersion Interactive. After a long journey, the site is live.

Intense Immersion Interactive was conceived in 2020. With a passion for telling stories, I knew I had to do something to bring these ideas to life and present them to the world. With very little money, and zero connections, I began to use the skills I did have to craft the idea for my first original project. So, with encouragement from family and friends, I set about the task of achieving everything I had wished for, and took the plunge to release my first game: Mythstal: Shadow of the Sun.

Today, the idea is set free into the wild. The story begins from here, but this is only the intro, and I hope you stay with us to see each chapter unfold, because a tale is only as good as those that are a part of the narrative.


Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to read this little tale. This is exactly what I aim to do: Tell stories and give people worlds to escape into.


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